ALERT! Abducted, Lost Emotionally in Raid Takeover

Kathy G Lynch
6 min readSep 8, 2021


How to Jolt Readers Alert Button

Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

Alert: Affirmed Lost! Entrapped! Readers Targeted.

Alert! Acknowledged Lockdown of Emotionally Riveting Tales of Taletellers

Alert: Absorbing Lore, Ecstatic Rendezvous of Triumph

Every writer aches to read such dramatic headlines … about her books. Her articles. Her blog posts. Writers all long to be the one who jolts her reader’ alert button.

And in this world of competitive complexity, it may seem impossible … until you realize that readers are truly word-thirsty.

Alert for the Word-Thirsty

Readers thirst for words that excite them. Words that arouse in them a longing to hear more. Words that arouse in them their deepest desire to sink their minds into a story that they have never heard before. Or that they have heard, but still drives them into hysterical pleasure enough to read it over again … repeatedly. Just to make sure they got the story straight … and locked in their memory.

Just like I experienced when I watched the movie First Knight. I kept going back to certain scenes, listening over and over again to make sure I heard exactly what Sir Lancelot and Lady Guinevere and King Arthur said to each other. Just so I got it right in my head.

For memory is a strange and wonderful thing. There are stories in your head that you keep going back to, time and time again. (Sometimes, even when you don’t want to.) And when you discover a story that is a ‘mind-blaster,’ a story that blows your mind, a story that blasts away all thoughts and memories of the bad things that happened to you during the day — or even during your lifetime — you know you’ve been abducted.

Abducted by a story.

You know you’ve been abducted by a story … and you’re lost emotionally in a raid takeover of your mind and your emotions. And, instead of fighting it, you succumb. Gladly.

You go along with your captor. You take on the identity of the main character. And you see everything from your captor’s point of view. For you’ve totally fallen in love with the ideas that your captor brainwashed you into believing.

Because you just can’t help yourself

Alert: Affirmed Lost! Entrapped! Readers Targeted.

Every reader is very alert. Every reader is wide awake to the fact that when she finds something truly readable … she is affirmed lost. Entrapped. For readers are targeted.

Every book that is any good, any article that attracts readers, any blog post that is audaciously shared … is the result of readers being targeted. The writer intentionally focused on words that attract a certain reader. If I was trying to attract somebody else, I wouldn’t have used the words readers in my subtitle and my content. And because this article is focused on my intent to wake readers and writers up to the importance of what I am saying, I use the word ALERT!

Saying ‘alert’ activates a wide-awake experience. It is a word used to counter that lazy sense of “I’m just browsing” and activate her “I’ve got to read this now!” alert button.

The very words you use have the power to rouse a reader out of their mind-numbing stupor and get them so excited they are driven to read. And keep reading. Simply because their brain responds unconsciously to certain words.

It’s that caveman/cavewoman experience of Fire! Danger! Sabretooth! You better wake up and get moving fast! You better make a hasty decision. You better read this NOW!

Alert! Acknowledged Lockdown

The reason ‘alert’ is so dominate in this article is that it is a word that acknowledges the lockdown of emotionally riveting tales told by taletellers using certain triggers. Acknowledging the taletellers use of triggers that drive the desire in you to do something about your situation.

Acknowledging the taletellers use of triggers that waken you. Make you more aware. More responsive. More responsible about what you are doing.

We all go about our days in a kind of haze. A kind of stupor. For we are usually controlled by automatic habits that make doing things easier. These automatic habits are called our routines. And routines take over our lives.

So, we must be jolted awake to enable us to quickly assess the world for any immediate dangers. Just so we don’t walk into a trap.

But a reader willingly steps into the trap that the right taleteller has set for her. For her one burning desire is roused. She is alerted to the possibility of having that desire satiated. She is alerted to the possibility of her dreams coming true.

Or at least, her being given an opportunity of experiencing what it would be like to have her dreams realized.

When the right taleteller teases her with that opportunity; when one’s tale gives a reader a glimpse of her dream actually happening before her very eyes — all kinds of exciting things happen to the reader. She gets all googly eyes and starts feeling that woozy sensation in the pit of her stomach.

And she knows deep inside her gut that she’s been had. She acknowledges the lockdown of emotionally riveting tales that taleteller have used on her. And she likes it.

Alert: Absorbing Lore, Ecstatic Rendezvous of Triumph

When a reader acknowledges she‘s been had by a writer’s riveting tale, it’s because the writer has a specific intent in mind. The writer has aimed at a challenging, earth-moving, world-shattering goal.

For often the writer has set her hat on the reader’s head and said to her, “Hold onto your hat! We’re going on an ecstatic rendezvous of triumph. It’s a journey you’ll never forget.”

And that’s precisely what the reader was hoping for. That’s the exact experience she’s longed for all along.

She’s dreamed for a long time for triumph over her problems. Longed forever to change her life. But nothing ever came of it. She’s waited so long for something to happen. And it never did.

She’s watched others whose lives have improved, seen their spectacular results, and silently asked “Why? Why hasn’t it happened to me?”
And now she has a chance. A real chance. For there’s an opening up in the heavens. And she grabs for it. Whole-heartedly!

Alert: Accused Love-quest Expose, Rescue Tabled

Of course, every reader doesn’t get the results she expected. Usually because she’s not quite ready yet.

But never, under any circumstances should it be the fault of the writer. For a writer must dangle the bait that drives a reader’s love-quest further and further into her erotic words. She must drive the reader into a frantic frenzy of desire for more and more ideas that spark an innate sense of discovery.

And a writer must never leave her hanging. Must never table the rescue of her readers by forgetting to give them what they really wanted. An option that transforms a reader’s world into the heavenly delight she thought would happen.

Many writers forget to give the reader that choice. They forget that the reader is only there because she wants something. She wants her problem solved. Her desire acknowledged and then satiated. Her dream understood and realized.

So, successful writers always provide an adventurous literary experience that readers travel on their way towards transcendence.

An experience that amazingly leaves engrossed readers tingly. That leads readers to the ultimate turnaround …

their opportunity to live, even if only for a moment, the discovery of a new world, A world of enchantment. A world of enlightenment …

a world of their ultimate transformation.

Alert taletellers guide you into the spectacular world of abduction of reader’s emotions … thereby helping you push your readers’alert buttons, moving them to read your beguiling stories.



Kathy G Lynch
Kathy G Lynch

Written by Kathy G Lynch

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world

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