Cooking Up Irresistible Recipes Reader’s Voraciously Overeat
A Crock Pot Recipe for Discerning Appetites
You’re in deep, gut-wrenching PAIN. The pounding agony of I’m nothing. I’m nobody. I’m never ever going to be good enough.
And you’re TEMPTED by your terror and extreme mental put-downs and turmoil to exit. To just Die!
Yet deep down, you know death isn’t the answer. Deep down you know that there is another way. You just haven’t seen it yet.
The Dreaded Deadlock
But the real question is, how do you survive this moment? How do you endure the pain that is so persistent you feel you can’t go on anymore? How do TREAD through the tyranny of the raging emotional anguish of a deadlock … in your writing career?
“Surely,” others say with a smirk, “it isn’t worth dying for.” They scoff and sneer with misunderstanding. But, for you it is serious. Deadly serious!
For your crock pot of emotions have been overcooked to the extreme limit. There seems to be no way you’ll ever recover your sanity. Much less your ability to move forward.
And even if you did know how to go on, where to go, and what to do, you find it hard to believe that you could even take one more step. So, what do you do NOW?
What could possibly nourish overdone writing?
What could possibly nurture an overflow of wordiness?
What could possibly nurse such overcooked wording?
Rummaging in the Roots Cellar
Then suddenly it occurs to you to …
Rummage through the cupboard of your mind for some secret. You search to find something, anything,like maybe a secret hot sauce. Or some ravishing crock pot offerings. But what you find still doesn’t completly meet your exact needs. For something’s still missing.
So you go deeper. You go down to the roots cellar, searching desperately to find something delicious to add. And you find it. You find those ROOTS are the remedy of objective observations of the twists in your story.
With determination, you bring them up from out of the darkness. You look again and again for how those roots would fix that unappealing mess in your writing crock pot. And finally, after much deep thought, and repeated searches, suddenly you have an idea of what is really wrong.
You get an insight into the problem.
For you now see how twisted your story really is. But not twisted in a good way. For the structure is all wrong. Simply because you unthinkingly left out the main ingredient of any moving story.
You forgot to add the very ingredient that was driving you so crazy in your own life story.
The Tasty, Hunger-arousing Ingredient
You now realize nothing is so boring as a bland taste in your mouth. Nothing is so uninviting as a recipe that doesn’t make a distinct impression on your taste buds. Nothing is so unappealing as a disgusting lack of the taste of urgency.
For the truth is, no one ever indulges themselves in a meal that doesn’t whet their appetite. And no one ever reads a story that doesn’t have some pizzaz. That doesn’t move them. That doesn’t arouse some excitement, some nervousness, even some deep disturbance or dread.
And you now see you forgot to put in some tasty, hunger-arousing ROOTS — such as the Raging Obscene Obsession of Terror and Suffering. The threat of suffocating. The temptation to succumb.
Activating Reader’s Brain
Repeatedly, writers are told to evoke emotion in their writing. To arouse a reader’s feelings. To dig deep down inside the reader’s desires and to discover their secret fears.
Yet most of us ignore that advice. Or worse yet, we think what we write actually does arouse a reader to feel something. When it doesn’t.
And so, we lose our readers. Or never attract them in the first place.
But when we open with a powerful scene that hits them hard in the stomach and immediately makes them crave it … you fire up the neurons in the same part of their brain that is activated when they touch, taste, smell, or actually experience something in reality.
It creates an immediate feeling of “being there.” And they become emotionally attached to the story and can’t put it down.
In short, they are hooked.
Put Reader’s Emotions On Simmer
But you must keep hooking them. You must throw your reader’s emotions into your story’s crock pot and keep them cooking. Put their emotions on simmer to keep them emotionally attached to your story.
For you’ve discovered the most important ingredient of any appealing recipe is those Roots, the repeated outpouring of overflowing tension and suspense. So, you throw the right kind of roots into your writing crock pot …and put the temperature on high.
Thus, you throw in the very ingredient readers must be offered to experience the overwhelming temptation to succumb. Succumb to their desires.
The temptation to sample. Sample your story.
The temptation to savor. Savor every delicious morsel you give them.
So Hungry They Overeat
In short, readers revel so obsessively they overeat your treats. For it’s exactly what they hunger for. They voraciously overconsume those thrilling stories you offer them.
It’s a discerning appetite pleaser that every reader experiences when they find someone who cooks up a recipe they crave. A recipe that proves you’re a writer who really knows how to spice up their taste buds and male them drool for another bite.
All by just cooking up an irresistible mouth-watering recipe in your writing crock pot that readers devour completely, on the spot. And eagerly look for more!