Crumple the Competition with BHGYA

Kathy G Lynch
4 min readAug 27, 2021

Becoming a Super-star in God’s World

Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

January 14, 1973, a super-star named Elvis Presley gave the first satellite performance as sweat streamed down his face. He put everything he had into his performance called “Aloha From Hawaii.”

Simply because that was who he was.

He gave his fans and the world everything he had. Most of us wouldn’t work up such a sweat. Many of us quit when the going gets rough. We don’t put enough effort into the task at hand.

But Elvis was one of the greats. He was so great, he was even seen as immortal by many. For even when he died, people swore that they’d seen him, alive and well.

Becoming BHGYA

Of course, we can’t all be super-stars. But you can be so determined, so BHGYA that you outshine your competitors.

In other words, you can Be Heroic Giving Your All.

You can be the one giving everything you’ve got. You can be the one putting your heart and soul into what you are doing.

Yet far too many of us, instead, crumble. Especially when facing the competition. All because we continually refuse to understand that you move backwards by letting everything settle. You move backwards by letting the dust settle around you.

In short, when you are not active, when you aren’t in motion, when you aren’t doing something to advance, you sabotage yourself.

Especially in today’s highly competitive world.

Instead of Crumbling

For it’s hard to get to the top of the world unless you are continually striving. Unless you’re in constant motion. Unless you’re determined to crumple the competition.

And you do that when you continually rise up and make progress by learning to excel.

Instead of crumbling and settling for crumbs. Instead of settling for less than you deserve. Instead of trying too hard to be like other people.

For often we’re trying so hard to find our place in the world. Yet we don’t even know what we’re really trying to accomplish.

Far too many of us lose our way in life. Simply because we lose our ambition to please God. We lose our desire to be like Jesus, who gave his life to please God.

Instead we go about our day with the idea that we need to please other people. That we need to be like other people. That we need to do exactly what others who are successful are doing.

Merely Having an ‘Idea’

Yet we merely have an ‘idea’ of what we want to do, be, and have. We don’t have a clear vision of who we are, much less who we really want to become.

And, as Lisa Bevere asks, “What if the reason you are struggling to find your calling is because God is calling you to do something that’s never been done before?”

Bevere goes on to say, “God created you to carry a unique piece of His heart. Nobody has ever existed or will ever exist who reflects God’s image exactly as you.”

But, according to Bevere, the only way to discover your unique place that God has created you for is for you to stop imitating what others are doing.

And then you decide to be yourself. You decide who you will be. And what you will become.

The Decision to BHGYA

You decide to BHGYA, Be Heroic Giving Your All to something you think is important … even if and when no one else is doing it. Even if and when others scoff at you and put you down.

Even if and when it is unpopular and even unprofitable.

For by simply choosing to be who you are, you begin living up to the expectations of God instead of the expectations of others.

And when you live up to the expectations of God, you live out the promise of God. For God promised prosperity to all those who love and honor Him.

God promised you, and me, and everyone, that we’ll each prosper when we discover that piece of His heart that He has given us… and use it to show the world exactly what happens when we honor Him.

Because when you develop that piece of God’s heart that He has given you, and you BHGYA by Being Heroic Giving Your All to God, great things happen in your life.

You become a super-star in God’s world. You become one of the blessed, one who is favored by God. One who reaps a blessed and plentiful harvest because you’ve Become Heroic Giving Your All to fulfill God’s promise for you.



Kathy G Lynch

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world