From Empty Basket to a Basketfull of Choice Goodies

Kathy G Lynch
4 min readSep 15, 2021

Are You Filling Your Basket or is Someone Else?

Photo by Billy Fletcher on Unsplash

Many of us are like Michelle (Kathryn Hahn) in the movie How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. She asked her friends, “Why does this always happen to me? Things are going great for about a week and a half and then suddenly … it’s over. And I’m mystified.”

We are mystified as to why our life basket is so empty. For we don’t realize that we forgot to fill it.

What have you put in your basket?

And that empty space never stays empty. Because we inadvertently let others decide what goes in our basket.

Thus, we then are dismayed and even shocked when others put their old, used, and worn-out perspectives and resentments in our basket.

We even wonder why we are upset and miserable.

We fail to see that we unconsciously settled for what others decide belongs in our basket. We settled for others’ lack of interest and affection.

We settled for others’ inconsistency and intermittent bouts of attention.

We settled for others momentary irritations that turn into monumental disturbances.

Why We Settled

For we can’t seem to help ourselves. We don’t understand what is happening.

We aren’t aware of what we ourselves have done (or failed to do.) Nor do we recognize all the opportunities we’ve let slip through out fingers.

We don’t see the cornucopia of choices that are available and as easy to pick off the tree of life as all those low-hanging, juicy, ripe apples that are just waiting to be plucked and put in our basket.

We have no idea about how simple and easy it would be to quickly pluck them off the tree. Or how daring we could be to even reach for those fruits that are harder to get.

Simply because we fail to see them dangling right in front of our face in the first place. Until one day (hopefully before our time runs out) …

You Glimpse with Opened Eyes

You look around you and see for the very first time …

you have a choice.

You now see the possible advantages of just being around an expert in your field of interest, the likelihood that you could learn something from him.

You now see what you didn’t before … see how you were wasting your time on people who have no interest in improving their life, much less excelling in anything.

You now see how you were sabotaging yourself by letting others’ lackadaisical attitudes rub off on you.

You even see how you now can grasp opportunity firmly and throw it in your basket … and that it was all possible before, if you had only known it was there.

If you had only made that decision.

For now … you’ve made the decision to open your eyes and really see clearly …

your opportunities.

What to Put in Your Basket?

You now decide to see that life is filled with options … and all you have to do is choose what to put in your basket.

Choose for yourself what you really want. Make a conscious and deliberate decision to empty all your misery from your basket. And then fill your basket with the better things in life.

Still doubtful about your ability to fill your own basket? Still don’t know what to put in that basket?

You can easily fill your own basket with your own wants and needs. You can choose to fill your basket with your own hopes and dreams.

You can make the choice to, in Brendon Burchard’s words, “Be a champion of your own dreams. So, when times get tough, when you’re trying something new, when you’re going through uncharted waters, [you] keep the faith.”

Simply because, according to Burchard, “the dream that has been sown in your heart was put there for a purpose.”

Your dream was sown in your heart just so you could pluck its fruit off the tree to fill your basket and help feed others in the world whatever delicious recipes you cook up.

What’s on Your Platters?

Your dream was sown in your very soul to fill your basket with a multitude of goodies, just so you could supply a multitude of platters filled with luscious fruits and hearty meals of your choice.

Just so you can make your contribution to satisfy the hungers of a world. A world filled with people starving for what you have to offer … YOURSELF. Your Offerings of Unique Resources Someone Else is Looking For.

For others need what you have to offer. And it is your duty to dream and unearth the talents in you that will allow you to fill your own basket to the brim with the most edible mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, as well as physical fruits that you’ve ever dreamed of.

So, start NOW. Today. So not one wasted more moment goes by with you suffering because your basket is filled with the leftovers of others.

Make your own choices and enjoy a life of satisfaction and success in feeding the world from your basket filled with all the goodies you have selected specifically as your offerings.



Kathy G Lynch

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world