Learning the Art that Gets your Posts Read
Red flag or freedom flag
Are you disappointed because your posts aren’t being read? Depressed about reader’s lack of interest? Baffled about “Why?”
When your articles and blog posts aren’t being read, it’s time to examine that red flag of disinterest that’s waving over your content. And then realize that flag is a real ‘tell’ about what you’re doing wrong.
And the main thing it tells you is that you need to first learn the’ art of gab.’
For there are at least four Art of Gab rules that need to be enacted to get your content read.
And those rules are exemplified by the acronym FLAG.
F for Don’t Forget about Feelings
Humans are highly emotional creatures. For we can’t help it. It’s in our DNA. We are driven by our natural affections.
Thus, we either feel something strongly. Or we ignore things, and even numb ourselves with lotion of indifference.
And any piece of writing that is mind-numbing just disappears from the catalog of life due to lack of interest. So, we’ve wasted our time writing it.
So we must stop wasting our time. And learn to write posts that spark readers feelings and emotions.
For readers are drawn into an emotional appeal. They are fascinated by something that arouses their desires. For a piece of writing that’s deeply emotional stirs intense responses, and elicits satisfaction.
When a reader gets a fuzzy warm feeling or even an ‘egads’ emotional experience, they don’t even try to resist. For readers want to feel something. Readers want their emotions toyed with … in a good way.
Simply because readers long for ‘awakening’ experiences. They long for ‘sit-up-and-take-notice’ jolts of pure emotion that makes them ‘come alive.’
So, give readers what they long for. Produce articles that rouse readers out of their stupor. Encourage them with ‘arise-to-life’ emotional challenges that move them to respond.
L for Catered Listening
Readers are also constantly listening. They are listening for the various sounds of help that the people around them may possibly offer. And if they don’t hear what they are listening for, they tune out of the conversation.
All readers employ their innate ability to turn off and turn away from what isn’t important. They ‘red flag’ all unimportant content by failing to listen to what’s assessed as garbage.
So, if you don’t want your content to be flagged as unholy, unacceptable, unfit for consumption garbage, write to cater to and appease a reader’s intent to listen.
Make sure you are listening for what readers want. Make sure your content focuses on the listened-for desire in readers by addressing genuine goal-seeking, action-striving, emotion-evoking experiences in your discussions.
Then fuel their desire to learn with action-generated guidance that’s effectively delivered. And, deliberately further a reader’s learning experiences with articles that are precious gifts, gifts that empower readers with details and tips for true self-development.
In other words, write entertaining, educational, and enlightening articles worthy of a reader’s ear.
A for Appetizing Morsels
Everyone knows that feeling of hunger for something that’s truly satisfying. That hunger that drives you to immediately search your fridge and your cupboards for what you think you really want.
Content that is appetite-arousing creates that fridge-hunting desire, that cupboard-searching drive.
For reader’s may not really know what they are looking for. They are often not sure about exactly what they want. But then something you say can move readers in the direction of finding out if you have the answer they are craving.
Some inner notion about the possibility of finding even a morsel that tastes good often drives a reader to click on a post and then read it.
Thus, you must make each post as scrumptious as possible, without adding the empty calories of what turns out to be, according to copywriter Bob Bly, “google goulash.”
For you make your content not only appetite whetting appetizers, but appetite satiating munchies, as well.
G for Gut-Grabbing
When an article is gut-grabbing, it grabs readers way deep down in the pit of their gut and makes them gasp.
For they don’t just have butterflies in their stomach. They have jangling nerves. Because every fiber of their being is on edge.
On edge simply because they ‘just know’ they’ve found something awe-inspiring. They feel it in their gut that something amazing is happening.
They have a strong hunch that their toppling world is about to be turned right-side-up.
And nothing, no force known to man, can stop them from discovering exactly what has them so stoked. For nothing else matters at this moment.
Nothing on earth can move a reader to read your post like a great gut-grabber that slyly hints about the soon-to-be-realized transformation she’s been seeking for weeks, months, even years.
For your reader is about to win big in life. Because your words reveal the answer to a reader’s most cherished dream being realized.
As it does yours.
Demonstrate Your Art
For you don’t disappoint your readers. Or yourself. You make sure both you and your readers win. For you write the words that make your article go viral, words read by millions, words that produce more revenue than you ever thought possible.
All because instead of being red flagged, your post demonstrates you know how to apply the four rules of your art. For you’ve developed your art and skill called the gift of gab that are the flag of freedom..
Merely by sparking readers’ Feelings, being worthy of being Listened to, providing Appetizing munchies, and giving a Gut-grabber experience.
Thus, the flag of freedom will be flying high over your post. A post that announces to the world your skill, your expertise. A post that demonstrates exactly why and how you’ve enabled your flourishing livelihood. Deftly proving to all you excel at your art — the art of gab.