Profitable Insanity

Kathy G Lynch
8 min readAug 26, 2021


The Benefits of a Significant Competitive Edge

Photo by Peter Larsen on Unsplash

In the world of writing, it’s easy to feel daunted. It’s easy to get the feeling of nausea in the pit of your stomach. For the world is so competitive that others don’t hear you. And the fact is, there is so much noise out there that you don’t even hear you. So how can you expect others to hear you.

So, the waves of indifference and total neglect make you feel like you could barf. For so much noise is nerve-racking. There is so much competition that you feel what you say will never be taken seriously.

Today’s Newest Jungle

For today’s writing industry is the world’s newest jungle. And like being in any jungle, you sweat profusely, you can’t see very far ahead of you, and it’s easy to get lost.

In fact, there’s so much competition, you feel powerless and insignificant. You feel you will never make your way through it. You’ll never be good enough. You feel that your writing will never be seen as significant and worthy of being heard.

For you feel unworthy. You feel unimportant. And you feel you don’t deserve other’s attention. For their lack of interest is your fault. It’s your shame.

Even though deep down you think other people simply just don’t care.
Even though you think other people are uncaring slobs. Even though you really think it’s actually their fault.

Because you think it’s like they set out to hurt you. It’s like they set out to cause you to feel inferior just so they could feel better than you.

And you feel humiliated. Yet deep down, you realize you are truly scared.

Scared that they hate you. Scared that they see your shame. So, you worry every day about what others think and say about you. You worry about that so much you dread to hit publish.

You dread that feeling that what you’ve written will be seen as drivel. Will be seen as garbage. That you will be called out as a fraud.

Or, even worse, that you will be totally ignored. That you will be rejected. That you will be totally isolated from others.

Should I Hit Publish?

So,you hesitate. With your cursor hovering over Publish, you ask yourself, should I?

But, you know that if you don’t, no one will get the chance to ever know you wrote anything. Much less experience how important it is.

For just as people can’t read your mind, they can’t see the look of concern on your face when you realize that they are missing out on what you know could be a real game-changer for them.

They can’t see the horror on your face when you see them making a mistake. When you see them do something wrong that will mess up their writing career as surely as if they had purposely set out to sabotage themselves.

And they don’t realize that what you say could mean the difference between a lucrative successful business … instead of utter failure.

They don’t realize that their success is inevitable if …

How To Get Attention

If only they could hear you.

So how do you get their attention?

How do you make sure they don’t miss out on an important idea that could mean the difference between life … or death … of their business?

How do you ensure that the world of writing becomes less daunting for a newbee as well as a pro?

In short, how do you make sure your words are heard in spite of all that noise?

You do it by …

Choosing to be daunting.

By choosing to be daunting, you will discover everything you need to know to overcome a daunting world …

Simply because you made that decision.

By choosing to be daunting, you discover all you need to know to ignite a newbee’s growth … and your own growth … as a writer. You discover everything you need to inspire now’s generation to do business with you. Simply because of your investment in newbee growth.

A Newbee Doesn’t Know …

For there’s one thing a newbee doesn’t know that they need to know:

The true path to a profitable insanity.

And you have to be insane to truly be daunting (or at least certified as insane by your competitors).

For the results you get by choosing to be daunting are obscene. Simply because being daunting offers the benefits of a significant competitive edge never-before experienced.

Choosing to be daunting is the newest trend in modern-day writing. For life demands that you not sit around all day in dread of what’s going to happen. And you instead …

Activate your brain.

For the fact is that most of us are so used to numbing out … instead of really experiencing life.

Because most of what we see, hear, and learn is repeated over and over again until it leaves us deaf, dumb, and numb.

The Big Difference

But today is a day of change. Today is a day of choosing to be daunting. Today is a day of making up your own mind about who is going to be the one who takes control of your writing career.

And you have made the decision that it is you.

You have made the decision that you no longer will live in a world that is so daunting it puts your life in a holding pattern. You have made the decision that instead of letting others scare you off …

You will be so daunting that others are enamored by your courage.

And you know what happens when others are enamored? They are curious about what you are doing. So, they follow you. They even dream about you. And wish they could be you.

In other words, they take an active interest in … you.

The Impossibility Movers

And they repeat what you say. For they are driven to be like you. And like you, they walk the talk. They do the impossible. For, like you, they are the impossibility movers.

For they’ve come to know that they, like you, never before moved mountains … until now.

They never before moved the mountains of insecurities in themselves as well as in others. They never before moved the mountains of doubts they’ve experienced … until now.

For choosing to be daunting is the way to move mountains.

It’s the path to move any mountain of inferiority and any sense of incompetence due to a simple lack self-confidence.

And choosing to be daunting will fix that lack of self-confidence and lead you to a whole new expectation. And whole new experience. A whole new existence.

The Insane Path

Choosing to be daunting is the insane path to becoming a writer whose readers are interested enough to actually read what you’ve written. Choosing to be daunting is the insane path to becoming a writer who learns how to drive others wild with the anticipation of becoming as insane as you are about beating the competition down … by simply choosing to be who you really are …

A writer who remains a daunting force in the writing community by simply choosing to stay undaunted by others.

Writing is the business of getting personal. And most of us are daunted by the idea of getting personal. For we never know how personal we should get.

The Insane Risk

Should we tell our readers all about ourselves? Not leave out any dirty detail about our life? Won’t the reader then be shocked to learn about how awful we have been? Won’t that turn our readers off? Won’t their shock turn into hate?

And what will happen to us if reader’s start hating us? Will we be put in some writing exile like Napoleon, who was exiled for merely trying to conquer the world?

Or should we instead hide the murky details of our lives and put a fantasy spin on things? Pretend we are who we really aren’t? And leave the reader shocked when he finds out that we didn’t know what we were talking about.

Won’t the reader then declare publicly that we are an imposter? That we are a fraud?

A Teacher’s Honesty

All because we were trying to help him. All because we were or weren’t afraid that readers would come to the conclusion that we weren’t worthy of their time and attention.

When the truth is we all tend to rely upon our teacher’s honesty.

But the teachers in my day didn’t get too personal. The teachers in my day didn’t spill their guts to the whole world … or even to the whole class.

In fact, they didn’t reveal much about themselves and their personal lives at all. They taught the facts of other people’s accomplishments and downfalls, instead of reveling in their own achievements and revealing their own mistakes.

So, isn’t it really insane to reveal your flaws, weaknesses, and frailties?

Is it Or Isn’t it?

Isn’t it really insane to expect others to understand that, after all, you are just a human being whose made a mistake? To understand that you learned from your mistake? To realize that what you learned was that …

We are all human. We all goof up. And we can get past this mistake.

If we let ourselves get past it. If we don’t judge ourselves so harshly. If we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will never make that mistake again … simply because we ourselves regret that mistake with every fiber of our soul.

And isn’t it insane if our competitors feel we are flaunting our mistake in front of them? Isn’t it insane to speak about our mistakes when the whole world is watching? When the whole world could pounce upon you for making a mistake?

Is it or isn’t it a mistake to stand by the truth? The truth that the real and ultimate test of humanity is …


And humility, as well.

Your Tattered Self-Image

But it’s often so hard to be yourself … be who you really are, especially when you’re wearing your raggedy, tattered, and shattered self-image. And that’s when it seems insane to even mention yourself in your writing.

That’s when it seems insane to divulge your biggest, most tragic mistakes.

So, even though who you really are matters in the digital world of self-disclosure, it is up to you just how much information you give to your readers. It is up to you whether you fess up and talk about your personal life at all.

For you aren’t on a psychiatrist’s couch. You are talking to people who don’t know you, people who really don’t care about you. People who care about the results you can give to them.

The Real Cost

And never mind about what your mistakes cost you. It’s all about what it will cost your readers. What will it cost them to reveal their dirty little secrets to their readers?

In short, it’s a matter of how strong they are. For your readers and your prospective customers must ask themselves, Am I strong enough to risk it?

Am I strong enough to risk being called insane by my readers? All to gain the competitive edge?

Only they know the answer to that question. Only they know just how daunting they will decide to be. We each must ask ourselves Can I afford the cost? Will it be profitable?

We must each ask ourselves How daunting do I dare be?



Kathy G Lynch
Kathy G Lynch

Written by Kathy G Lynch

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world

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