Reentry into the World of Achievement
How to See Your Dreams Realized
When I pictured my life when I was in my 20s, I never dreamed I would be living in a city, miles away from a horse. And not even owning a vehicle.
For it’s all too easy to settle … settle into a life that you didn’t picture yourself living. Settle into a life of unwanted experiences. Settle into a life of undreams and undesires.
All because, as the saying goes, life gets in the way.
Life gets in the way of what’s important.
Life gets in the way as other things become …
The Big Question of the Day
And you find yourself constantly asking “How urgent is it?”
For that is the biggest question in any day.
It is the biggest question anyone ever really has in mind as they go about their day-to-day business. For it is that sense of urgency that drives us …
into action.
Because there will always be someone whose needs are more important than your own. Your children’s needs will always be urgent enough to drive you to do what needs to be done.
Your family … aging parents, adult children, growing grandchildren … all will always take some of your time and energy.
Even your job will always be an energy expenditure just to make it a source of financial bounty.
But what it all comes down to is asking yourself this:
when push comes to shove, are you pushing yourself in the right direction when it comes to your life decisions? Or are you just letting life have its way with you?
In other words, are you making intentional choices about where your life is headed? Or are you just letting life situations and other people push you around?
When I pictured my life when I was in my 20s, I never dreamed I would be living in a city, miles away from a horse. And not even owning a vehicle.
For it’s all too easy to settle … settle into a life that you didn’t picture yourself living. Settle into a life of unwanted experiences. Settle into a life of undreams and undesires.
All because, as the saying goes, life gets in the way.
Life gets in the way of what’s important.
Life gets in the way as other things become …
The Big Question of the Day
And you find yourself constantly asking “How urgent is it?”
For that is the biggest question in any day.
It is the biggest question anyone ever really has in mind as they go about their day-to-day business. For it is that sense of urgency that drives us
into action.
Because there will always be someone whose needs are more important than your own. Your children’s needs will always be urgent enough to drive you to do what needs to be done.
Your family … aging parents, adult children, growing grandchildren … all will always take some of your time and energy.
Even your job will always be an energy expenditure just to make it a source of financial bounty.
But what it all comes down to is asking yourself this:
when push comes to shove, are you pushing yourself in the right direction when it comes to your life decisions? Or are you just letting life have its way with you?
In other words, are you making intentional choices about where your life is headed? Or are you just letting life situations and other people push you around?
Why You Aren’t Getting Results You Desire
All too often, we are just letting life push our buttons. All too often we are reacting instead of responding. All too often we are driven into doing things we don’t want to do, but can’t seem to stop doing.
Merely because we aren’t thinking about what is really happening. We aren’t focused on the consequences of what we are doing.
Thus, we never get the results we actually want.
So that dream job we hoped to get never materializes. That ranch we’ve always wanted to own gets pushed out of our mind. That vacation beach house disappears from our list of hopes and dreams.
And we start feeling a dread deep down inside us. The dread of waking up each morning. The dread of not knowing how we are going to get through the day. The dread of deep recriminations for the entrapment of our abandoning our dreams.
We feel so miserable, we can’t face ourselves. For we don’t even realize just how important that sense of dread is. We don’t see that it’s a signal. We don’t see that dread is itself as sense of urgency.
Need to Go Deeper
Simply because deep down inside is the desire in everyone to experience prosperity. And abundance.
And most of us never realize that we must go even deeper down inside ourselves … deeper into the maze of who we really are … deeper into our psyche …
To discover the experience of excellence that prosperity essentially requires.
Yet deep … way deeper inside us … we know …
For everyone today knows the truth. The truth that what we picture in our minds has a tendency to materialize. But most of us are so caught up in our day-to-day life and what is happening to us that we tend to conjure up our nightmares instead of our dreams.
Changing Our Mental Diet
And the realization is that we have simply not been truly involved with what we really wanted. We have not been totally committed to our deepest desires. We have not been intentional about our choices.
Now, today, we have a chance to change all that. Today we have a chance to experience our reentry into the world we lived in as children. The world where dreams coming true is as easy as imagining them.
The world where we experience who we really were meant to be at the snap of our fingers.
All because we’ve changed our mental diet … and we get deeply involved in the experience of transformation.
Deeply involved in excelling at troubleshooting.
Deeply involved in eradicating the tyranny.
Eradicating the tyranny of the expectations of others. Eradicating the tyranny of our lack of knowing who we really want to be. Eradicating the tyranny of our letting others choose for us.
Is it Time?
Thus, today, we ask ourselves “Is it time? Time to make the decision to take responsibility for my own life?”
For simply choosing to take time to set our intentions changes everything. Intentionally envisioning what you really want changes even the meaning of time itself.
It now means your moments become the conscious effort to steadily stream through your mind those pictures of who you really want to become. And what you really desire and dream of achieving.
For we begin to understand that manifestation means going deeper into our experience of what we really desire for our lives. Means a deeper development of our expectancy of excellence by picturing that experience repeatedly.
Because as Brendon Burchard says in High Performance Habits, “high performers spend a lot of time thinking about their best self and the ideal they’re trying to grow into.”
In fact, says Burchard, “the highest-performing clients report thinking about their ideal future self and engaging in activities related to that almost sixty minutes more per week than the lowest-scoring clients.”
Taking Time to Listen to Yourself
Thus, it doesn’t take a lot of extra time. If you find as little as ten minutes a day, six days a week to think about and listen to your future self and what you really want your life to look like, you can improve your situation exponentially.
And that means you simply listen to your feelings and the urge that drives your emotions … and you relish generating the effort you put into the chance to excel.
Simply because you see the value in it. Simply because you feel its urgent that you realize you are given every necessary thought to excel and become the person you really want to become.
Because listening to yourself is key. For unless you start listening to and envisioning your future self, there will always be a gap between who you are now and your dream of who you were meant to be.
So, your goal must be to fill in that GAP with Great Achievement Pictures.
If you don’t, each day the gap will grow bigger and bigger as more things get in the way. Until one day, you give up dreaming. You give up all your hopes and wishes for something better.
Your Reentry into the World of Possibilities
And you become addicted to your misery, always moaning and complaining … yet never seeing that you have choices.
For each TODAY is the opportunity to decide to activate your yearnings.
Each today is an opportunity to take the option of doing and achieving your dreams. Instead of turning over your dreams to your arch-enemy called yesterday.
For you did nothing important yesterday.
Thus, you didn’t move toward your goals even an inch.
Don’t let that happen.
Don’t let today becomes just another of yesterday’s foolishness where nothing important ever gets done.
Make your reentry into the life of achievement, the life of living your dreams. Make it an exciting cruise into the future. Into the world of possibilities.
Wow! I hear destiny calling.
It’s saying, “Earth to Kathy! Earth to Kathy! We’re cruising at the speed of enlightenment. We’ll be landing in your dream life in two minutes. Get ready to reenter the world you envisioned. The world where your dreams come true because you believed in them enough to picture what you really wanted. Are you ready?”
So, can you hear your destiny calling you?When I pictured my life when I was in my 20s, I never dreamed I would be living in a city, miles away from a horse. And not even owning a vehicle.
For it’s all too easy to settle … settle into a life that you didn’t picture yourself living. Settle into a life of unwanted experiences. Settle into a life of undreams and undesires.
All because, as the saying goes, life gets in the way.
Life gets in the way of what’s important.
Life gets in the way as other things become …
The Big Question of the Day
And you find yourself constantly asking “How urgent is it?”
For that is the biggest question in any day.
It is the biggest question anyone ever really has in mind as they go about their day-to-day business. For it is that sense of urgency that drives us
into action.
Because there will always be someone whose needs are more important than your own. Your children’s needs will always be urgent enough to drive you to do what needs to be done.
Your family … aging parents, adult children, growing grandchildren … all will always take some of your time and energy.
Even your job will always be an energy expenditure just to make it a source of financial bounty.
But what it all comes down to is asking yourself this:
when push comes to shove, are you pushing yourself in the right direction when it comes to your life decisions? Or are you just letting life have its way with you?
In other words, are you making intentional choices about where your life is headed? Or are you just letting life situations and other people push you around?
Why You Aren’t Getting Results You Desire
All too often, we are just letting life push our buttons. All too often we are reacting instead of responding. All too often we are driven into doing things we don’t want to do, but can’t seem to stop doing.
Merely because we aren’t thinking about what is really happening. We aren’t focused on the consequences of what we are doing.
Thus, we never get the results we actually want.
So that dream job we hoped to get never materializes. That ranch we’ve always wanted to own gets pushed out of our mind. That vacation beach house disappears from our list of hopes and dreams.
And we start feeling a dread deep down inside us. The dread of waking up each morning. The dread of not knowing how we are going to get through the day. The dread of deep recriminations for the entrapment of our abandoning our dreams.
We feel so miserable, we can’t face ourselves. For we don’t even realize just how important that sense of dread is. We don’t see that it’s a signal. We don’t see that dread is itself as sense of urgency.
Need to Go Deeper
Simply because deep down inside is the desire in everyone to experience prosperity. And abundance.
And most of us never realize that we must go even deeper down inside ourselves … deeper into the maze of who we really are … deeper into our psyche …
To discover the experience of excellence that prosperity essentially requires.
Yet deep … way deeper inside us … we know …
For everyone today knows the truth. The truth that what we picture in our minds has a tendency to materialize. But most of us are so caught up in our day-to-day life and what is happening to us that we tend to conjure up our nightmares instead of our dreams.
Changing Our Mental Diet
And the realization is that we have simply not been truly involved with what we really wanted. We have not been totally committed to our deepest desires. We have not been intentional about our choices.
Now, today, we have a chance to change all that. Today we have a chance to experience our reentry into the world we lived in as children. The world where dreams coming true is as easy as imagining them.
The world where we experience who we really were meant to be at the snap of our fingers.
All because we’ve changed our mental diet … and we get deeply involved in the experience of transformation.
Deeply involved in excelling at troubleshooting.
Deeply involved in eradicating the tyranny.
Eradicating the tyranny of the expectations of others. Eradicating the tyranny of our lack of knowing who we really want to be. Eradicating the tyranny of our letting others choose for us.
Is it Time?
Thus, today, we ask ourselves “Is it time? Time to make the decision to take responsibility for my own life?”
For simply choosing to take time to set our intentions changes everything. Intentionally envisioning what you really want changes even the meaning of time itself.
It now means your moments become the conscious effort to steadily stream through your mind those pictures of who you really want to become. And what you really desire and dream of achieving.
For we begin to understand that manifestation means going deeper into our experience of what we really desire for our lives. Means a deeper development of our expectancy of excellence by picturing that experience repeatedly.
Because as Brendon Burchard says in High Performance Habits, “high performers spend a lot of time thinking about their best self and the ideal they’re trying to grow into.”
In fact, says Burchard, “the highest-performing clients report thinking about their ideal future self and engaging in activities related to that almost sixty minutes more per week than the lowest-scoring clients.”
Taking Time to Listen to Yourself
Thus, it doesn’t take a lot of extra time. If you find as little as ten minutes a day, six days a week to think about and listen to your future self and what you really want your life to look like, you can improve your situation exponentially.
And that means you simply listen to your feelings and the urge that drives your emotions … and you relish generating the effort you put into the chance to excel.
Simply because you see the value in it. Simply because you feel its urgent that you realize you are given every necessary thought to excel and become the person you really want to become.
Because listening to yourself is key. For unless you start listening to and envisioning your future self, there will always be a gap between who you are now and your dream of who you were meant to be.
So, your goal must be to fill in that GAP with Great Achievement Pictures.
If you don’t, each day the gap will grow bigger and bigger as more things get in the way. Until one day, you give up dreaming. You give up all your hopes and wishes for something better.
Your Reentry into the World of Possibilities
And you become addicted to your misery, always moaning and complaining … yet never seeing that you have choices.
For each TODAY is the opportunity to decide to activate your yearnings.
Each today is an opportunity to take the option of doing and achieving your dreams. Instead of turning over your dreams to your arch-enemy called yesterday.
For you did nothing important yesterday.
Thus, you didn’t move toward your goals even an inch.
Don’t let that happen.
Don’t let today becomes just another of yesterday’s foolishness where nothing important ever gets done.
Make your reentry into the life of achievement, the life of living your dreams. Make it an exciting cruise into the future. Into the world of possibilities.
Wow! I hear destiny calling.
It’s saying, “Earth to Kathy! Earth to Kathy! We’re cruising at the speed of enlightenment. We’ll be landing in your dream life in two minutes. Get ready to reenter the world you envisioned. The world where your dreams come true because you believed in them enough to picture what you really wanted. Are you ready?”
So, can you hear your destiny calling you?When I pictured my life when I was in my 20s, I never dreamed I would be living in a city, miles away from a horse. And not even owning a vehicle.
For it’s all too easy to settle … settle into a life that you didn’t picture yourself living. Settle into a life of unwanted experiences. Settle into a life of undreams and undesires.
All because, as the saying goes, life gets in the way.
Life gets in the way of what’s important.
Life gets in the way as other things become …
The Big Question of the Day
And you find yourself constantly asking “How urgent is it?”
For that is the biggest question in any day.
It is the biggest question anyone ever really has in mind as they go about their day-to-day business. For it is that sense of urgency that drives us
into action.
Because there will always be someone whose needs are more important than your own. Your children’s needs will always be urgent enough to drive you to do what needs to be done.
Your family … aging parents, adult children, growing grandchildren … all will always take some of your time and energy.
Even your job will always be an energy expenditure just to make it a source of financial bounty.
But what it all comes down to is asking yourself this:
when push comes to shove, are you pushing yourself in the right direction when it comes to your life decisions? Or are you just letting life have its way with you?
In other words, are you making intentional choices about where your life is headed? Or are you just letting life situations and other people push you around?
Why You Aren’t Getting Results You Desire
All too often, we are just letting life push our buttons. All too often we are reacting instead of responding. All too often we are driven into doing things we don’t want to do, but can’t seem to stop doing.
Merely because we aren’t thinking about what is really happening. We aren’t focused on the consequences of what we are doing.
Thus, we never get the results we actually want.
So that dream job we hoped to get never materializes. That ranch we’ve always wanted to own gets pushed out of our mind. That vacation beach house disappears from our list of hopes and dreams.
And we start feeling a dread deep down inside us. The dread of waking up each morning. The dread of not knowing how we are going to get through the day. The dread of deep recriminations for the entrapment of our abandoning our dreams.
We feel so miserable, we can’t face ourselves. For we don’t even realize just how important that sense of dread is. We don’t see that it’s a signal. We don’t see that dread is itself a sense of urgency.
Need to Go Deeper
Simply because deep down inside is the desire in everyone to experience prosperity. And abundance.
And most of us never realize that we must go even deeper down inside ourselves … deeper into the maze of who we really are … deeper into our psyche …
To discover the experience of excellence that prosperity essentially requires.
Yet deep … way deeper inside us … we know …
For everyone today knows the truth. The truth that what we picture in our minds has a tendency to materialize. But most of us are so caught up in our day-to-day life and what is happening to us that we tend to conjure up our nightmares instead of our dreams.
Changing Our Mental Diet
When we dig deep inside of ourselves, we discover that we have simply not been truly involved with what we really wanted. We have not been totally committed to our deepest desires. We have not been intentional about our choices.
Now, today, we have a chance to change all that. Today we have a chance to experience our reentry into the world we lived in as children. The world where dreams coming true is as easy as imagining them.
The world where we experience who we really were meant to be at the snap of our fingers.
All because we’ve changed our mental diet … and we get deeply involved in the experience of transformation.
Deeply involved in excelling at troubleshooting.
Deeply involved in eradicating the tyranny.
Eradicating the tyranny of the expectations of others. Eradicating the tyranny of our lack of knowing who we really want to be. Eradicating the tyranny of our letting others choose for us.
Is it Time?
Thus, today, we ask ourselves “Is it time? Time to make the decision to take responsibility for my own life?”
For simply choosing to take time to set our intentions changes everything. Intentionally envisioning what you really want changes even the meaning of time itself.
It now means your moments become the conscious effort to steadily stream through your mind those pictures of who you really want to become. And what you really desire and dream of achieving.
For we begin to understand that manifestation means going deeper into our experience of what we really desire for our lives. Means a deeper development of our expectancy of excellence by picturing that experience repeatedly.
Because as Brendon Burchard says in High Performance Habits, “high performers spend a lot of time thinking about their best self and the ideal they’re trying to grow into.”
In fact, says Burchard, “the highest-performing clients report thinking about their ideal future self and engaging in activities related to that almost sixty minutes more per week than the lowest-scoring clients.”
Taking Time to Listen to Yourself
Thus, it doesn’t take a lot of extra time. If you invest as little as ten minutes a day, six days a week to think about and listen to your future self and what you really want your life to look like, you can improve your situation exponentially.
And that means you simply listen to your feelings and the urge that drives your emotions … and you relish generating the effort you put into the chance to excel.
Simply because you see the value in it. Simply because you feel its urgent that you realize you are given every necessary thought to excel and become the person you really want to become.
Because listening to yourself is key. For unless you start listening to and envisioning your future self, there will always be a gap between who you are now and your dream of who you were meant to be.
So, your goal must be to fill in that GAP with Great Achievement Pictures.
If you don’t, each day the gap will grow bigger and bigger as more things get in the way. Until one day, you give up dreaming. You give up all your hopes and wishes for something better.
Your Reentry into the World of Possibilities
And you become addicted to your misery, always moaning and complaining … yet never seeing that you have choices.
For each TODAY is the opportunity to decide to activate your yearnings.
Each today is an opportunity to take the option of doing and achieving your dreams. Instead of turning over your dreams to your arch-enemy called yesterday.
For you did nothing important yesterday.
Thus, you didn’t move toward your goals even an inch.
Don’t let that happen.
Don’t let today becomes just another of yesterday’s foolishness where nothing important ever gets done.
Make your reentry into the life of achievement, the life of living your dreams. Make it an exciting cruise into the future. Into the world of possibilities.
Wow! I hear destiny calling.
It’s saying, “Earth to Kathy! Earth to Kathy! We’re cruising at the speed of enlightenment. We’ll be landing in your dream life in two minutes. Get ready to reenter the world you envisioned. The world where your dreams come true because you believed in them enough to picture what you really wanted. Are you ready?”
So, can you hear your destiny calling you?
All too often, we are just letting life push our buttons. All too often we are reacting instead of responding. All too often we are driven into doing things we don’t want to do, but can’t seem to stop doing.
Merely because we aren’t thinking about what is really happening. We aren’t focused on the consequences of what we are doing.
Thus, we never get the results we actually want.
So that dream job we hoped to get never materializes. That ranch we’ve always wanted to own gets pushed out of our mind. That vacation beach house disappears from our list of hopes and dreams.
And we start feeling a dread deep down inside us. The dread of waking up each morning. The dread of not knowing how we are going to get through the day. The dread of deep recriminations for the entrapment of our abandoning our dreams.
We feel so miserable, we can’t face ourselves. For we don’t even realize just how important that sense of dread is. We don’t see that it’s a signal. We don’t see that dread is itself as sense of urgency.
Need to Go Deeper
Simply because deep down inside is the desire in everyone to experience prosperity. And abundance.
And most of us never realize that we must go even deeper down inside ourselves … deeper into the maze of who we really are … deeper into our psyche …
To discover the experience of excellence that prosperity essentially requires.
Yet deep … way deeper inside us … we know …
For everyone today knows the truth. The truth that what we picture in our minds has a tendency to materialize. But most of us are so caught up in our day-to-day life and what is happening to us that we tend to conjure up our nightmares instead of our dreams.
Changing Our Mental Diet
And the realization is that we have simply not been truly involved with what we really wanted. We have not been totally committed to our deepest desires. We have not been intentional about our choices.
Now, today, we have a chance to change all that. Today we have a chance to experience our reentry into the world we lived in as children. The world where dreams coming true is as easy as imagining them.
The world where we experience who we really were meant to be at the snap of our fingers.
All because we’ve changed our mental diet … and we get deeply involved in the experience of transformation.
Deeply involved in excelling at troubleshooting.
Deeply involved in eradicating the tyranny.
Eradicating the tyranny of the expectations of others. Eradicating the tyranny of our lack of knowing who we really want to be. Eradicating the tyranny of our letting others choose for us.
Is it Time?
Thus, today, we ask ourselves “Is it time? Time to make the decision to take responsibility for my own life?”
For simply choosing to take time to set our intentions changes everything. Intentionally envisioning what you really want changes even the meaning of time itself.
It now means your moments become the conscious effort to steadily stream through your mind those pictures of who you really want to become. And what you really desire and dream of achieving.
For we begin to understand that manifestation means going deeper into our experience of what we really desire for our lives. Means a deeper development of our expectancy of excellence by picturing that experience repeatedly.
Because as Brendon Burchard says in High Performance Habits, “high performers spend a lot of time thinking about their best self and the ideal they’re trying to grow into.”
In fact, says Burchard, “the highest-performing clients report thinking about their ideal future self and engaging in activities related to that almost sixty minutes more per week than the lowest-scoring clients.”
Taking Time to Listen to Yourself
Thus, it doesn’t take a lot of extra time. If you find as little as ten minutes a day, six days a week to think about and listen to your future self and what you really want your life to look like, you can improve your situation exponentially.
And that means you simply listen to your feelings and the urge that drives your emotions … and you relish generating the effort you put into the chance to excel.
Simply because you see the value in it. Simply because you feel its urgent that you realize you are given every necessary thought to excel and become the person you really want to become.
Because listening to yourself is key. For unless you start listening to and envisioning your future self, there will always be a gap between who you are now and your dream of who you were meant to be.
So, your goal must be to fill in that GAP with Great Achievement Pictures.
If you don’t, each day the gap will grow bigger and bigger as more things get in the way. Until one day, you give up dreaming. You give up all your hopes and wishes for something better.
Your Reentry into the World of Possibilities
And you become addicted to your misery, always moaning and complaining … yet never seeing that you have choices.
For each TODAY is the opportunity to decide to activate your yearnings.
Each today is an opportunity to take the option of doing and achieving your dreams. Instead of turning over your dreams to your arch-enemy called yesterday.
For you did nothing important yesterday.
Thus, you didn’t move toward your goals even an inch.
Don’t let that happen.
Don’t let today becomes just another of yesterday’s foolishness where nothing important ever gets done.
Make your reentry into the life of achievement, the life of living your dreams. Make it an exciting cruise into the future. Into the world of possibilities.
Wow! I hear destiny calling.
It’s saying, “Earth to Kathy! Earth to Kathy! We’re cruising at the speed of enlightenment. We’ll be landing in your dream life in two minutes. Get ready to reenter the world you envisioned. The world where your dreams come true because you believed in them enough to picture what you really wanted. Are you ready?”
So, can you hear your destiny calling you?