The Secret Method Writers Use to Attract Readers and Earn Cash in a Few Words

Kathy G Lynch
6 min readSep 12, 2021


Creating the One-Liner That Turbo-Charges Your Writing

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Sure, anyone can be a writer, but you have to realize one sobering fact:

The truth that you have to know more than what you’ve been taught in grammar class. That you have to know more than who Hemingway and Elizabeth Barrett Browning were. You even have to know more than your favorite English teacher.

For most beginner writers don’t know that you have to become a master at what you are doing before you can make any money at it. And being a master requires manifesting the acquired skills, techniques, and expertise of the renown and revered who know what they’re doing.

The Art of the Word Master

In other words, you have to become a true artist. A master of your craft. A word master.

But before you say you don’t have the time or the money, and you’ll have to learn the hard way …

Here’s another sobering fact: that despite your knowledge that publishing is a snap, that all you have to do today is write a few words and hit publish, that doesn’t mean people will flock to your post.

It doesn’t mean readers will gobble up your words like they do their mama’s luscious Thanksgiving turkey dinner.

For people today are wiser than that bird. They have enough sense not to sit around waiting for a miracle to save them from …


And they definitely are wise to the ways of writers and marketers. Simply because they’ve had lots of personal experience. They’ve lived the life of the informed.

Thus, to counter the profiteers out there, readers are developing their own skills at word mastery.

For they have so much info at their fingertips they are overwhelmed. There’s already too much to choose from. So much to read. So many options. So many available good reads.

Preparing Yourself to Answer WIIFM

Thus, readers are rapidly developing the skills of expertise in the games of all those masters of words. They can deduce what is crap from what is quality writing.

So, why should they read yours? Why should they choose your post in an already overflowing inbox and over-supplied social media feeds?

Why you?

And you better be prepared to answer that question WIIFM (What’s In it For Me?) For you must know …

Why, indeed!

Why they would listen to every word you say!

For the very ‘why they read’ depends on exactly what you have promised them. For that promise, that benefit, forms the basis of WIIFM. The basis of your reader’s desire to discover What’s In It For Me.

For we are all basically interested in ourselves and what we want.

Each one of us makes our choices based on our own needs, our own desires, our own goals.

We are always considering our needs first.

We always choose (or think we are choosing) what’s best for me.

The Power of One Line

But if you are writing, or selling a product, you need to be thinking about your readers. You need to choose words with power. WORDS that Waken Ones Reader’s Desires for Satisfaction. Survival. Success.

You need to make a promise that you will give your readers what they want. Then you have a better chance of them choosing to read your post.

So, you position your post as an opportunity. An opportunity to give readers what they really want. As well as your opportunity to be heard. You lock in your position with one line.

For you know exactly what your reader really wants. You have more than an inkling of what your reader is trying to do, have, and become.

In short, you know who you’re talking to. Who your ideal reader is. And what sparks that reader into deciding to click through to your post.

And here’s an exciting fact:

In a world of complicated complexity, everyone today is still looking for answers to their dismal life situations. Everyone still has unanswered questions. Everyone is still experiencing some problem that they want answers to. Some circumstance they need solved. Some struggle they want to alleviate.

And for them to choose your post, you need to have an answer to their most urgent problem. You must have the answer they have been looking for since day one.

You must have the answer they have dreamed about, have an answer that will help them realize that dream.

And you must put the answer in one line … one powerful turbo-charged line

One Glimpse of Their Future

For yes, you must … and you can … in one glance, promise them that their life is about to be to changed. In one sentence. In one eight second glimpse into their future.

You must … and will be able to … promise them a life-long ALTeration Assistance Lessening their Trouble, trauma, and turbulence..

In that first brief but impactful moment of discovery of your post. In your very first words you can promise them their life will be ALTered … Activated. Lifted forward. Turbocharged.

For you can foretell the story about to unfold before their very eyes when they read your post. The story of how they are about to leap towards a new trail. The trail that leads to their true destiny: The life of a trailblazer. A troubleshooter. A pathfinder.

You can promise them the ultimate experience. Your ALTernative: their Achievement of Longed for Transformation. The promise of Actionable Lessons for their Triumph …

In one line of powerful world-changing words.

The Image Conveyed

Thus, your answer must be in your headline.

For that first line of words must immediately conjure up a picture, an image in their mind. And that picture must convey the ALT text: Activation of Longed for Turnaround.

So, the headline announcing your new post “Today’s Newest Writing Methods” just won’t cut it. It doesn’t conjure up a picture of their dreams coming true.

But the headline “The Secret Method Writers Use to Attract Readers and Earn Cash in a Few Words” will strike a chord in any writer who longs to earn a living by writing.

The headline “Become a Master Writer” doesn’t conjure up a dream being realized either. But “How To Write Words That Make Reader’s Dreams Come True Like A Master” has more power.

Yet an even more powerful headline is “How to Acquire Wealth by Mastering the One-Line Trick of Wealthy Writers”

Promises, Promises

But you not only have to make a promise to readers in your headline. You must make good on that headline. You must keep your promise.

And all throughout your article you must keep drilling it in your readers head that their desperation is about to end. Their difficulty is about to be conquered. Their struggle is about to cease. For you have the answer. Your words hold the key to their dreams coming true.

For you are their savior. You hold the answer to the realization of their ultimate turnaround. Your words are the secret elixir to their life transformation.

And you keep that promise. For your headline foretold your future as well as the future of your readers. Because the secret is all in your promising … in one power-packed line … promising your readers a future that you are now living yourself.

Simply because you are becoming a master who foretold a future your readers truly believe in. The future of their success.

A future of their becoming a champion, a master of writing the most important line of words in any piece of writing. Mastering that one-liner… the headline … that leads to their ultimate destiny: the realization of their dreams of their becoming a wealthy writer.



Kathy G Lynch
Kathy G Lynch

Written by Kathy G Lynch

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world

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