Manifesting Profitable Benefits from Google Searches
Attention Opportunity Seekers!
Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash
Today is Your Day of Opportunity!
Because everybody’s doing it!
Everybody today is online.
Thus, today, we all (especially writers) have a great opportunity to make money. For the internet is alive with money making opportunities. Simply because everybody online is searching for something.
And, thus, more often than not, those searches lead to sales.
Oasis of Satisfaction in the Desert
For the internet is an OASIS where opportunity abides by satisfying the intent of searchers. For searchers are as thirsty as those lost in the desert. They are hot and desperately looking for answers that quench their thirst.
So, you can be their oasis. You can give them satisfaction. When you learn what to feed the Google beast prowling the desert.
For you, dear opportunity seeker, can do as John Lennon of the Beatles did … “write yourself a swimming pool.” Or a vacation in Hawaii. Or that mountain home you’ve always wanted.
Boogie Your Way Into the Hearts of Searchers
And all you have to do is become someone who BOOGIES their way into the hearts of searchers. Be someone who learns how to bridge one’s offerings to the Google intent of exact, specific searches.
In other words, you match your services up with what searchers in Google are intentionally looking for.
There are many ways to do this.
CopyWriting to Create Your Oasis
You can become a copywriter. And aim to write for companies who are looking for ‘copy’ — or words that sell, words that promote their products.
Simply match up what they have to sell with what searchers are looking for.
For instance, a company selling vacuum cleaners would love you to write an article on their vacuum that relates to the search “best vacuum for cleaning up pet hair.”
Thereby, creating an oasis filled with thirsty searchers seeking to buy.
Freelancing your Way to Freedom
Or you could become a freelancer. Someone who writes blog posts for companies that hire people to write for their blogs.
You aim at answering questions and queries in Google searches.
Like answering the question, “How do you ensure your lost pet will be found?” for a veterinarian’s blog. Thus, you freelance your way to financial freedom by filling your oasis with fundamental, fulfilling answers to searchers’ enquiries.
Affiliate for Financially Freedom
Or you could become an affiliate, someone who earns a commission by promoting a specific product.
For example, you get paid for promoting someone’s self-help program by answering the Google search query,“how to get rid of depression and start feeling good again.”
Becoming an affiliate is an opportunity to be financially free … when you choose to free searchers from their desperation to find answers.
Profitable Self-Promotion
Or you could even start selling your own products and programs. You decide to go to Google search and type in a keyword like “promoting your book” and you find many ideas to write about in the options that pop up as you type in that keyword.
So, you research each of those options. And write a book with a chapter on each of those topics. Thus, you have a book that is search intent rich. A book that is almost guaranteed to sell because it is filled with answers to bona fide questions people are asking.
Profiting from Quora Questions
Or you could also go to and check up on the questions that people are asking in your area of expertise or interest. And when you find a question that you want to answer, make that the topic of a book or program you want to create.
So, you do research on that topic, create your masterpiece, and then write a short answer on Quora and promote your creation in your profile.
Your inquisitive mind then boosts your profits as you quench that thirst of more and more searchers.
Surfing for Profits as well as Fun
These are just a few of the ways to earn a good living in today’s world of “internet riches.”
So, pull yourself out of your funk and do some more surfing. But make your time on the internet works for you instead of for someone else.
Instead of wasting time, searching aimlessly for something interesting … make surfing a lucrative pastime. And even a profitable career.
You can do it. You can be as smart as all the other opportunity seekers who are profiting by surfing and sleuthing the internet. When …
You base what you do each day on building answers to Google searchers’ enquiries. And reap the glory and the rewards you are really searching for.